Minggu, 03 Januari 2010

Are Apartment Reviews Helpful?

Apartment reviews are an interesting strategy. However one must consider the source of the reviews. There are the ones that seem to dominate every review I’ve ever seen on the apartment internet sites and presumably, they are current or past apartment tenants themselves. I Movie reviews are going to be subjective to the individuals opinion as well but at least you get an educated third party critique that has their integrity to uphold.
Some tenants can be great & some unruly. There are a couple of types that need to be addressed, (I) is the tenant that is just plain rowdy, they have parties that cause disturbances, are loud and obnoxious and are only concerned about themselves. The constant complainer, the tenant that is always calling the office. Both of these can leave nasty reviews if they dont get their way and of course if they are reprimanded for their unruly actions. Unfortunately, on the apartment review sites, there is no real rebuttal system in place like on EBAY, where the Apartment management can comment on a complaint.
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