Kamis, 21 April 2011


English poetry for non-English majors. This subject may seem intimidating to you, the parents homeschooling.
As a homeschooling mother who has earned a Bachelor of Arts in English / creative writing, I know I would be intimidated if I had to teach my son to biology.
Let me some secrets I learned from my lifelong passion for understanding and read poems. And rest assured, you can effectively teach the subject.
Here are five ideas to get you started:
1) start in chronological order, and for history.
My favorite poem in the English language to begin with Beowulf. Yes, it is very difficult to understand because it is written in Old English, can be done but with a good translation. This gives your students an appreciation of Western civilization, language and history.
Research, which in England at the time of the writing of Beowulf. What’s happening in the world? What kind of music was common then? What kind of art? This will help you and understand your student number and consider the poet, the poem hand much more interesting! Then, after considering all of these and you’re in a co-op play or a skit to do! This gives your students the opportunity to directly apply what he studied.
Did you know that Beowulf JRR Tolkien inspired to write Lord of the Rings “? Combine the blockbuster film with modern Beowulf and get a lesson very interesting!

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